Is it stagflation or recession? What is the actual scenario of Indian economy?

Is it stagflation or recession? What is the actual scenario of Indian economy?

By – Ritesh Jaiswal
Contact No. 8876653553


In recent times, the market, the economy nothing is going well. There is nothing Political or Apolitical, yes but one thing for sure that nothing is going well, nothing is in favour of common people.

Market is vacant, the crowd is missing from the streets…

Shops are vacant, Footfall has fallen drastically in the market. Bazar is not responding in the positive side. Shopkeepers are very upset with the prevailing situations. Few of the shopkeeper stated that earlier that is before 2014, they used to open their Shop by 8:30 am in the morning and they had huge footfall of customers such that they didn’t even had the time to have their lunch. But now, the situation has completely changed.

Leave the Giant Market players; even the Small Grocery Shops/Convenience Stores are vacant too. The Shops which usually used to be very busy with customers at least at the peak hours of the evening, when the working class use to return from their Place of Work, at that time also, there is hardly any customer at Shops.

What could be the probable reason for such a situation?

As per the ground talks with people from various fraternities, say salaried, daily wage workers, business owners, everyone is very upset with prevailing situation.

The Livelihood of almost every common individual has become very challenging, be it a salaried from a private company or a small vendor.

Employees working in almost all the private sectors are suffering a lot for their survival in the current market situation. The Salesforces are at the stake of the employ ability. Generally, the Salesforce are being judged primarily on the basis of their Productivity, Performance. But unfortunately, in such a circumstances where people are even thinking twice before purchasing their daily and essential needs, how can one sell something which is not so essential.

The Mass Layoffs, in recent times, across various companies, (known and Unknown) corporate have revealed the real situation of our currently seen Bubble Economy. The Financial, Mental and Social State of the Working Class specially the persons working in various private organization are at severe risk. Unemployment is rising day by day as almost everyday a few companies are going for Layoffs.

Being a student from Commerce Background, I have heard a lot about Recessions, the Depression phases of business/Economy but now when I am an earning person, I can for surely feel the situation. Its like what we have read in those books is prevailing right now.

People are focusing on the basic needs for survival which as a whole affected the greater economy.

All these indicates a Great Sign of Danger for the common people and the Country as a whole.

People primarily used to say that the aftermath of Ukraine-Russia War, etc will be danger and situation will be more tough. As a whole, the situation we are going through now is the aftermath of all the incidences that had happened to us in last 5 to 6 years.

assamBusinessindian economyinflationMarketRecessionthe crosscurrentthecrosscurrentunemployment
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